Document: Justifying OAuth Scopes for Return Tracker


To ensure that Return Tracker can effectively monitor and manage your returns, refunds, and price drop alerts, we require specific OAuth scopes. This document outlines the necessary scopes and provides a detailed explanation of why each scope is essential for the functionality of Return Tracker.

Necessary OAuth Scopes

  • Gmail Read-Only Access


    Justification: This scope is crucial for Return Tracker to analyze your retailer emails. By reading your purchase and return confirmation emails, we can track return dates, monitor for refund confirmations, and detect price changes. Our service relies on accurate and timely email information to provide precise notifications. However, due to potential inaccuracies or delays in emails sent by retailers, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.

    Explanation in Human Words: We need to read your emails to track your returns and refunds. This helps us remind you of return deadlines and ensure you get your refunds, but sometimes the emails might not be accurate or timely.

  • OpenID Connect

    Scope: openid

    Justification: This scope allows Return Tracker to verify your identity in a secure manner, ensuring that the correct account is being accessed and managed.

    Explanation in Human Words: This helps us confirm it's really you using the service, adding an extra layer of security to your account.

  • Profile Information

    Scope: profile

    Justification: Access to basic user profile information helps us personalize the Return Tracker experience, providing a tailored service based on your shopping habits and preferences.

    Explanation in Human Words: We use your profile info to customize our service to better fit your needs and preferences.

  • Email Address

    Scope: email

    Justification: This scope allows us to access your email address, which is essential for account identification, communication, and personalized service delivery.

    Explanation in Human Words: We need your email address to identify your account and communicate with you effectively.

Commitment to Privacy and Accuracy

While we strive to make our notifications as accurate as possible, we acknowledge that the information in emails may not always be correct. Emails can be outdated, lost, or not sent by the retailer, which means we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. Our mission is to provide you with the best possible service while respecting your privacy and maintaining the highest standards of data security.


By granting these OAuth scopes, you enable Return Tracker to function effectively, ensuring you never miss a return deadline and always receive your refunds. We are committed to protecting your data and using it solely for the purpose of enhancing your shopping and return experience.

For more detailed information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.